Akesis Galaxy® – Optimizing and Simplifying SRS
The Akesis Galaxy builds on well-proven isometric design principles that have been published in more than 2,000 peer-reviewed papers for Co-60 based radiosurgery. However, the Galaxy offers the largest choice of automated collimator selections to build more complex composite shots, “shrink-wrapping” the dose distribution to the target.
More than one million patients* have been treated with the rotating gamma technology. With < 0.5mm radiologic accuracy, Akesis Galaxy also provides sharper dose fall-off, providing better sparing of organs at risk.
Akesis Galaxy Benefits
Combines a proven treatment modality with innovative technology to streamline intracranial stereotactic radiosurgery.
Allows you to design and deliver highly conformal treatments that lower the dose to healthy skin while reducing hot spots and dose peaks.
Dramatically reduces reload costs – without losing flexibility and precision in treatment performance.